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In July 2016 the project for delivery of four «ECCS Tanks» from «Petrozavodskmash» to Belorussian Atomic Power Station currently under construction was accomplished.

In July, 2016 the project for delivery of four “ECCS Tanks” from “Petrozavodskmash” Factory, Petrozavodsk, to Belorussian Atomic Power Station currently under construction in the Republic of Belarus was accomplished; the cargo delivered being the cylindrical cisterns with dimensions of 1073x 340 x 321 cm and weighting more than 76 tons. The cargo was sent from Petrozavodsk loaded onto 4 eight-axle trucks with H0200 degree of bulkiness. 4 items 304 tons “RTL” company had been taking the role of consignee at Bobrovniki railway station, Republic of Belorussia.

Having the trucks placed at approach road to BAPS, the “RTL” company’s employees had performed the cargo handling work, transshipping it from the rail transporters to the trucks and subsequently delivered it to the installation site. The whole scope of work was accomplished within the shortest period of time possible.